Hey guys and gals
Not many of you know this but I'v just moved back to spain.
Not only am I depresd about me moving away from my home country (England)
but the Internet conection is about 2Gherz.
Meaning my internet is slow as i have had since pre 2000
and it also means that even the smallest of flash games or movies take 4 ever to load!!!!
Im so bored and I havnt been able to watch a flash since I got here
and I know what ur going to say:
"Go to the beech its spain!"
"Get out and enjoy the sun!"
Plus other stuff and I will I just wana watch a few flash we I'm not out :'(
So newgrounders, until i get a proper conection i dont think my experian points or level will be rising very far and im so close to level 10 too!!!!